The Municipal Poetry Society held a work arrangement meeting of "Member information collection, poetry teaching and looking back"

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The city Poetry Society held a "member information collection,

Poetry teaching creation first look back "work arrangement meeting


2022228On the morning of the day, Changde Poetry Society held a work arrangement meeting of "Member information collection, poetry teaching and Looking Back" in the conference room on the second floor of Changde Poetry Wall Management Office。The meeting was chaired by PI Guofan, Vice president of the society, and Liu Jingping, executive Vice president, arranged the work。The assistant to the president, deputy secretary general, and the drafting liaison of the poetry organization of the district, county (city) management committee attended the meeting。

会上,Vice President Liu Jingping conveyed the instructions of President Zhou Yunlai: "Find out the basic situation of the distribution, age and number of members of the Chinese Poetry Society, provincial and municipal Poetry Association (study) in our city,It is a very meaningful thing to improve the construction of member files,It is beneficial to strengthen the standardized management of members,It is also conducive to further doing the work of "poetry teaching pioneering",Must grasp and implement"。Liu Jingping explained how to fill in the basic information such as "member information file" and "Poetry education pioneer information file" column by column and item by item。Then, in the first half of this year, the City Poetry Society will "look back" on the towns of poetry and advanced units of poetry teaching awarded by various districts and counties (cities) to consolidate the results of poetry teaching。And combined with the current work put forward five requirements: first, the participants to go back to the good report, organizational strength, do a good job in the collection of member information, required this year4Complete all levels of member information collection and report before the end of the month;The second is that the poetry organization of each district and county (management committee) should conduct self-inspection on the advanced units of poetry teaching that have been awarded the license,Check and fill gaps as required,To meet the review of the superior poetry organization;Third, the district county (city) drafting liaison staff should do a good job of the quality of their own units of poetry;Fourth, the third issue of the Changde Poetry of the City Poetry Society this year will be a special issue of "Welcoming the Party's 20th Congress",The poetry organizations should widely mobilize poets to create well,Organize the manuscript and submit it。


At the meeting, Kang Cunbo, assistant to the president, briefed the city on the work of docking the Chinese poetry cloud platform in the previous section, and put forward specific requirements on how to further improve the docking and submission of the Chinese poetry cloud platform。Shang Zhongxian, deputy secretary General, put forward several points for attention on the membership card of poetry society at all levels。

Finally, Vice President PI Guofan asked everyone to go back and implement the instructions of President Zhou Yunlai and implement the spirit of the meeting。The member information of all units is required to be accurate and solid;"Poetry teaching first look back" to prepare carefully, organize self-examination in advance。Reiterating the work of poetry magazine editing, the writers of various districts and counties (cities) should effectively take the first step in the quality of their own poetry manuscripts and further improve the level of poetry creation in our city。




    Written by: Pan Yuxi

    Editor: Kang Cunbo

    Production: Text  

Organizer: Hunan Changde Poetry Society
Submission email: submission review time: 9:00-17:00
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